Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gecko Day

We communed with geckos today, just sitting on our porch, rocking in our rocking chairs, drinking coffee and watching these goofballs run around!  What beauty!  Then, while visiting Akaka Falls Park, I find a chameleon - looks pre-historic!  In between just lots of great stuff - a very good day.  As I write, we are socked in with clouds and rain, on a day that started without a cloud in the sky!

 The guy below is licking the palm frond - 'real lizard lick!'

Apparently these guys like to climb around on people - and are harmless except to bugs!

Akaka Falls Park is just about a mile from Rick and Carey's so I walked up there at mid-day.  In addition to the chameleon (above), the falls are spectacular.  Although the water flow is down due to the dry weather, at 442 feet tall (or is it long) the falls are an ecosystem all by themselves.

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