Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday in the wastelands

The land west of the airport is seen generally as a wasteland, empty, muddy and full of flies.  Yet spending time walking through the rushes and saltgrass, you can find and see a wide variety of things.  Today, Murph and I found a dead coyote, the skull of another small animal - wide and flat.  There were Greater Yellowlegs and Whimbrels eating in the streams, and a couple of Northern Harrier Hawks came by to take a look at us.  Plus the scenery, which is wide open, desolate and richly full at the same time.  Here's a few snaps from today.  Murphy is a joy to be with - he plays hard all the time and occasionally does some goofy stuff!
This landscape was intriguing to me.  I tried several different views, cropping out much of the foreground and then less; but never could find any compromise that looked better than the original picture.  So sticking with it.

1 comment:

Snap-Smith Photography said...

Might be considered a wasteland, but from my view of your excellent photo, it's beautiful!