Thursday, October 1, 2009

Darien Jungle

Today was a real expedition!  We anchored a couple of miles off the mainland, and took the Zodiacs 10 miles up a river to an indigenous Indian tribe named the Embera's.  The trip had to be timed to the tide, as the river is impassable at low tide.  So we went up about 2 hours before high tide, which resulted in pulling the boats over some of the rapids.  The chief sent his son to be our escort in a dugout canoe with a 15hp outboard motor on it!

Also, it rained most of the day!  But for most of us, that was much more preferable to having a sunny day, when it is soooooo hot and humid that one can hardly breathe!  So we got wet - big deal!
We visited with the Embera's and had lunch with them.

They were a welcoming, loving group and we had a lot of fun with them.  The kids took our hands and walked with us from the river to the village!


After traditional dances, food and purchase of crafts, we were off back down the river at high tide.

Even then it was dangerous as there were half-submerged logs that could easily shear a pin in the motor if the pilot was careless.  But we all returned in good spirits and agreed that the day was truly a memorable one.  Helps to have champagne on ice when you return from one of these!

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