Monday, January 7, 2019

Sanibel Day 3

Another beautiful day in paradise - sunny and 78!

Started the morning on the beach and ended tonight on the beach. In between a visit to the refuge with the girls, lunch at the Island Cow, grocery shopping, a nap and sunset on the beach!  Doesn't get much better than that..

The refuge provided the ladies with some excitement - an Osprey eating a fish on a viewing stand with a person 5 feet away taking photos; an Osprey taking a bath - worth watching!
Spoonbills eating, Reddish Egrets hunting, Little Blue's fishing, lots and lots of white Ibis. A nice trip.
This evening on the beach I watched an Osprey take a dip while flying - hadn't seen that before. Brown pelicans soaring everywhere and the little shorebirds taking over the beach as the humans left.

Low tide early morning - young boy kept telling his dad that he was finding sand dollars!

Tri-colored Heron on the hunt..

Osprey with its fish..

Spoonbill today came at me in the exact same place the one yesterday did..

Snoozin..afternoon on the beach..

Love the feathers on these big ones..

The little ones on the beach..

Windows reflecting sunlight at sunset..

Our local bunny posed again!

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