Saturday, January 19, 2019

Refuge Saturday

An overcast day without much light and a cold breeze - but it was worth it. Lots of Bald Eagles on the ice and flying around - both adults and juveniles. Perhaps 25 or so that I saw. Tundra swans are out on the ice - a bit far for any kind of photos on a day like today.
Quite a few Harriers and Kestrels, along with 4 Great Egrets - very strange seeing them there this time of year.  Perhaps they were blown off course by the storm. They are usually in much warmer climes.
Lots of hunters and lots of birders, about par for a Saturday when there are low clouds. A lone Goldeneye swam and posed for me in the stream by the road, wary but not scared. Very wet everywhere - my normal walking path was mostly underwater..

Great Egrets in the grasses..

Adult and juvenile Eagles constantly on the move..

Goldeneye sneaking away from me..

Harriers a-hunting...

RWB - Red winged Blackbirds hang out all winter.

And, of course, the Kestrel posing for a photo....

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