Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Refuge Monday

A very interesting day at the refuge today. Tundra swans, Sandhill Cranes, Great Blue Herons and lots of pintails.
The swans were out quite a ways on the water and with no sunlight on them, made it a bit hard to get a decent photo. But then they flew around me and what a gorgeous sight! The cranes were hiding out in a secluded area that I had to bushwhack to get to. Fortunately I didn't scare them too much so got a few shots. But I had to shoot through grasses so the final photos are a bit soft. Nevertheless, listening to that ancient call is quite energizing.
Great Blues and a Black-crowned Heron came out, good companions as they will normally ignore you once you stop and settle down.

Here's a few from the day..

Apparently this one decided if he couldn't see me I couldn't see him...

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