Friday, February 21, 2020

Antelope Island Friday

It started out sunny so off to Antelope Island we went. Chris and Randy had instructions from their better halves to not bring home anymore Bison photos unless they were playing a violin or singing an opera.
Regardless, we did get a few bison photos, along with antelope, Rough-legged Hawk, Great Horned Owls and some mulies. Here's what I liked out of the shots I took today..

The same Rough-legged Hawk was sitting in the same spot as the last time we were there..

A couple of cuties..

Is this the buffalo version of a raspberry????

Incredibly beautiful out there..

Wily showed up - stood around for a while and then walk right towards us...

Two Great Horned Owls at the ranch - this time inside the barn...Very patient as the three of us kept taking their photo.

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