Thursday, May 18, 2017

Final refuge day

The drive through the refuge is closed on Friday to give the birds and animals time away from humans. They pay very little attention to us, other than the Osprey screaming at us if we stay too long in her eyesight. The herons, big and little, bark at us and then often fly away, although two walked right up to me. Probably didn't look human with the camera stuck to my face!!

A very good day at the refuge, with sightings of a Green Heron and two young Osprey leading the way.  A Great Blue Heron did a dance in the water - they are quite the acrobats. More on that at another time. Watched an Osprey take a bath, then buzz a GBH on his way up!

Here's the photos of the day...

Beach time

Spoonbill and Ibis

Same with the Osprey added in.  He took a bath just yards from them, they showed no concern.

Osprey fascinate me

Green Heron, a very small bird. Very fortunate to capture this shot.

Little Blue Heron - walked right up to me a couple of steps later.

Juvenile Osprey.

Green Iguana - exotic invaders of Florida.

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