Friday, May 9, 2014

Establishing ourselves

What a process this moving stuff is! So many decisions to be made and then executed on; what pictures to put where, what about the decorative items that were here in the old house and now where do they go?........
Sitting here watching the sunset over the mountains and Great Salt Lake - worth every penny! I took a number of photos around the exterior of the house - we planted our first plant, a Buddleia, and that made a real difference psychically. Our big loving puppy, Murphy, has a new nickname - "Dustbowl" - reflecting what he becomes after rolling in the dirt around the house. The cats have not been out until yesterday and that was only a tentative venture and they ran right back in - way too open for them out here. Once we get some trees and shrubs established they will feel better. Until then they have a 3-stall garage and an 1800 sq. ft empty basement to chase each other around in.
Diana brought home tulips for color in the interior - the setting sun illuminated them beautifully.

The young Buddleia by the deck.

180 potted plants waiting to be planted - mostly day lilies that Katie divided from the Kensington yard.

Plenty of room to plant.

Murphy scruffing in the dirt!  Dust just flies off him when he is done.

Beautiful kitchen color.


Anonymous said...

thats one great scruff photo!

Gail said...

Great shots. Love the kitchen!