Sunday, November 21, 2010


I rented a 300mm f2.8 lens along with a 2X extender, which gives me a 600mm capability.  Murph and I went out to the refuge and experimented; although the day was so windy, there was not much flying.
I've been reading Art Morris' blog, Birds as Art, where he swears by the extender.  And after a while you have to try, right?
Here's three pictures to give you a sense of what it does.  The first picture is the standard 300mm; the second is the 300mm with the 2x on it; and the third picture is at 400mm with my 80-400 lens. The difference in the landscape pictures is quite noticeable; and with birds/animals it is often just phenomenal.  I hope to catch a few birds in the backyard today - in between snowflakes.

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