Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Return to the Refuge

Murph and I drove up to the Farmington Bay Wildlife refuge Monday afternoon.  We had not visited in over a month, and were anxious to see what was there to see.
The bird count was way down (other than seagulls), but as usual, we had some great moments. snowy egret, white-faced ibis, Great Blue Heron, dragon fly and pelicans - we captured on disk, and enjoyed red-winged blackbirds, terns, and Northern Harrier sightings. The road to the end of the dike is not yet open, I think it opens the end of September.
The pelicans appeared to be performing in a synchronized swimming exhibition.  They would all put their beaks in the water at essentially the same time, then tip their butts up in the air, and then all would pull their beaks out!  Fascinating to watch and done in a slow, rythmic fashion.

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