Saturday, July 3, 2021

Refuge Friday

 The refuge was full of surprises yesterday, from closeups with Sandhill Cranes to young coyotes playing in the fields. A horizontal Black-crowned Night Heron that looked..from a a white plastic bag was another gift.

Here's my selections..

Still some babies in the marshlands

Here's the Night Heron..from a distance I could only see the white.

Observant but not skittish - he watched me walk closer to get to a fence support for my camera..

Tree swallow hanging out in...where else..a tree!

The land is dry but beautiful

Here's the fun photos..juvenile coyotes playing..

The two below are similar but different animals. They came out of the grasses and both were looking straight at me despite my being a good 200+ feet away and on top of a hill.

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