Monday, June 17, 2019

Father's Day - second batch

Here's more from a wonderful Father's Day!

We probably saw over a thousand White-faced Ibis during the visit. They were everywhere on the land and in the air.

This bird catches flies but has a different name than flycatcher. I'll remember sooner or later.

Northern Rough-winged Swallow, I believe.

Cliff Swallows...

It never moved - GBH.

Snowy egrets in the playa

Cinnamon Teal - awesomely beautiful bird that was everywhere in the refuge.

Clark's Grebe..

We thought this GBH might be eating weeds, but on closer look you can see the carp in its mouth. There is another carp highlighted in the water a ways in front and down from the heron.

Finally, Flamboyant Freddie, the Pheasant!

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