Sunday, October 30, 2016

A dark and gloomy day at the refuge!

As a storm is blowing in, the low cloud cover should have helped duck and geese hunters today. There weren't too many raptors visible, but the Western Grebes made up for it! They are goofy just in how they are! Beautiful also. A wayward blackbird sang to me as I left, waiting patiently until I had the right photo before flying off to his friends!

Lots of hunters at one end and lots of ducks at the other.

Another poser.

Harriers were hunting today - perhaps the wind distracts their prey from the normal watchfulness and makes it easier to capture them? All I saw were successful hunters.

Don't know if this kestrel ever got food, but he entertained me for quite a while hovering over the ditch.

And now for the Grebes!

Stretching leg after napping!

Pied Bill Grebe and Western Grebe.

Optimistic young hunters.

Love the grasses and cattails.

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