Friday, August 23, 2013

FOM update - Friends of Murphy

Murphy 'sailed through' his second ACL surgery yesterday with flying colors!  The vet used a different anesthesia which really seemed to help his post-op alertness and ability to get around. They also gave him a bit more IV fluids to assist in urination, boy did that help.
When he got home he went twice in the front yard and then walked briskly to the backyard and went three more times!  This morning he got up and went into the backyard and emptied himself again.

He is alert, able to move much more than after the first one, of course he now has a good leg to use where he didn't before. We are very glad he is home as is Fuzzy who went and laid down by him in the backyard last night.  Not sure Murphy really cares, but it is quite cute.  Hoping for a quick recovery!

1 comment:

fitcchick1 said...

so glad he's doing well after the surgery. give him a hug from me and his cousin Maxwell.