Sunday, March 25, 2012

Javelina Morning!

We've been to this resort many times, and have seen the street name - Javelina Drive - but the fact that there were javelinas on the property never sunk into our consciousness.  Then yesterday evening, as we were leaving for dinner, a lady asked us if we had seen the javelinas.  She reported that a friend of hers had seen 'a group of 20+" yesterday morning. So of course, I am up and out with my camera this morning!

The report is accurate - there are javelinas here, as shown below. They were wary of me but not afraid, stopping to pull out a root to eat before moving on. They wander through the area at their own pace, most folks are not up yet. Another day of fun beginning in Sedona!

1 comment:

Gail said...

I've never heard of javelinas, kinda cute little critters, aren't they?