Sunday, February 19, 2012


Today's about sharing a number of eclectic shots from the last couple of days. No real category fits all so ramblings is what is is about.

First - after attending a birthday party at St. Mark's Cathedral I walked into the back parking lot and looked down the street and saw this sight.  City Creek is what the new downtown renovation is called and it promises to be exciting:

Later that day, Murph and I visited the Farmington Bay wildlife refuge - and it was a time when there were no birds around - kestrels, harriers, were non-existent; we saw 3 bald eagles fly over but mostly barren.  Even the blackbirds were MIA. So we checked out the Heron rookery and found some Great Blue Herons rebuilding their nests - the horrendous winds we had late last year had cleaned out the sticks that they use for nests. You tell me which is male and which is female!

After a Skype session with Mom and the girls today, Murph and I visited the country west of the airport and found some images that intrigued us!

And finally, the cat with the electric eyes! Here's Fuzzy sitting out on the path in the setting sunshine.

1 comment:

Gail said...

West of the airport...nice shots. And I like Fuzzy, a lot!