Friday, December 11, 2020

Smoggy day photography

 Thursday the air was so bad it stunk! So I wasn't at all assured any photographs would turn out worth keeping. But both Molly and I needed to get out so we went to the refuge. 

In fact it wasn't all that bad, thanks in part to the processing software that helps clean up the pictures. The juvenile Red-tailed Hawks were out and posing for us, several Herons hung around also. Harriers and Kestrels did their fly byes and a couple of Bald Eagles hung out on the ice. Way out, too far for a photo. So the day was enjoyable and a couple of good photos. Enjoy!

The Harrier photo looks much better than reality thanks to the new Replace the Sky tools in Photoshop. 

Kestrel cutie..

Juvenile looks like it's just woken up!

This Heron flew west past me, then a few minutes later - and a few squawks later - it came back flying East with another one on it's tail!

So beautiful...

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