Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Refuge Wednesday

We beat the clouds out to the refuge today, enjoying the sunshine despite all the smog. Lots of other birders out also..

It was Raptor day really - Kestrels, Harriers, Red-tailed Hawks plus a couple of eagles that sat way out on the ice.  Saw a couple of herons and a bunch of Tundra Swans...the swans were way out of the ice again, hanging out with lots of ducks in the limited open water.


Here's an interesting sight..The Red-tailed Hawk sitting on the dirt on the top of Gooseberry Hill while several photographers have parked their vehicles and walked up to get a closeup photo. I'm not sure how long the Red-tailed waited but it sure seemed amiable.

Kestrel feeding...

Tundra swans mixing with ducks in a small patch of open water..

Northern Harriers - what beautiful birds and incredibly acrobatic...

This little cutie kept its eye on me despite not looking directly at me..

Young Red-tailed sitting in the bushes above a warm water outlet. I think it was observing the coots and grebes in the water, maybe thinking about making one a meal.

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