Friday, November 13, 2020

Sunny day at the refuge..

Thursday was a beautiful sunny day so the family went to the refuge. Molly enjoyed finding all the smells, and Diana and I enjoyed the birds.

Hawks are back - Harriers and Red-tailed along with some I have yet to identify.  Lots of them though. Great Blue Herons were out, posing for photos. The Great White Pelicans were 'gulping' their way along. A few duck and pheasant hunters - the clouds were too high for most of the duck hunters. 

Here's some photos from the time..

I needed some help from my friend Nikki at Hawkwatch to identify this Merlin..

Female Kingfisher - she turned so I could see her colors better! The male was around also.

The Pelicans gulping along. 

GBH in the field..looking for voles I guess.

Toothy muskrat - caught it as we were leaving and stopped on the first bridge..

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