Thursday, March 5, 2020

Refuge Thursday

A 60+ degree day - only 50 out at the refuge. Always 10 degrees colder.

The long dike drive is closed for the breeding season, so only got to Goose Egg Hill. Think I'll rent a bike later this year and ride down the dike.

Harriers out, a couple of Herons, and a very good-looking Red-tailed Hawk.  Along with the first Avocets of the season and some very beautiful Northern Shovelers. Great to be out despite the noise from the grass munches (see photo below).

American Avocet in breeding colors..

Quite a big guy - beautiful and came back for several shots.

The Grass Muncher - DWR uses it to create areas of low grass for birds that will only nest in low grasses.

Harriers harrying along..

Northern Shoveler shoveling along....

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