Sunday, July 28, 2019

Zoo photo walk - part two

Every good photo walk deserves a part two - for me that means going back through the photos with an ever more critical eye and deleting a lot more.
Some of the part two photos perhaps should have been noticed in part 1, but for whatever reason I didn't. So here's the results of the second pass...

Giraffes are interesting animals, just not that photogenic for me.

But, if you ever need to file down a giraffes hooves, make sure you have a large rasp and someone to feed the giraffe bread while you're working.

The Silverbacks fascinate me..

Finally a half-way decent fox photo despite the glaring fence..

Female Bengal tiger//

Three-eyes!!  The second cat behind has what looks like a monster eye!

Siberian lynx - looks a bit dorky. Or maybe he's thinking how good those kids would taste..

Fascinating face of the leopard.

The otters were performers that day - such acrobats.

The king - is he about to fall asleep or is he looking slit-eyed to be dangerous?  Sleep I think...

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