Saturday, July 13, 2019

Refuge Saturday

Needing some time away from civilization I spent a couple of hours at the refuge this morning. Quiet! Nice!
A couple of GBH's and a couple of Sandhill Cranes, all in the distance, were the big kids on the block. So I looked for the smaller birds and found a few.

Mom and the kids out for an afternoon swim..

Greater Yellowlegs cooling off.

Lots of swallows out sitting on top of the flowering grasses..

Teasels  in bloom.

Some kind of a flycatcher? I've not seen this bird before.
Update: Identified this as an Eastern Kingbird.  Utah appears to be just on the edge of its territory.

Biggest challenge of the day was finding this hummer in the 150-600mm lens I was using - and then getting a decent shot.

Butterfly food..

Here's the swallows. Perhaps feeding prior to flying?

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