Monday, June 10, 2013

Sunday in the Uintas

Murphy and I went up Sunday afternoon to the Uinta's - Mill Hollow area. Roads were clear although snow lurked in the shady spots in the pines. The deer were higher up than we expected, so we did not see any where we were hanging out - only on the way back at higher elevations.
Both MJ and I had some good walks and he enjoyed the water, needless to say. Butterflies, wildflowers, birds of many kinds, and then, on our way home, a Sandhill Crane posing for us. Doesn't get much better than that!

Our little friend posed for us on the way up.

Looking out at Mt. Baldy and companions. 

Looking down the road to Brodie's Place, a camping-lounging spot for us. Still early for aspen.

Murphy swimming in his 'endless beaver pool'!

Small but beautiful!

He watched me very closely!

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