Sunday, October 2, 2011

St Francis Day - The blessing of the animals

Today, St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral celebrated St. Francis Day, with a ceremony that included the blessing of the animals.  Cats, dogs, (all sizes, shapes and colors), mice, rabbits and other furry creatures, were there to receive a blessing from a clergy person. A wonderful potpourri of humans and animals - and both seemed to be well behaved during the service.
When there was clapping, one dog started to bark.  This was especially appropriate as we welcomed our new dean, who is an animal person also.
Murphy came along, and was pretty well behaved.  However, at one point on the way back from the blessing he decided he really didn't want to go any further - and when Diana pulled on the leash, it came off over his head! Quite cute, if frustrating.  Below you'll see what he was doing most of the service - he is very adaptable!
The young baby was in front of us and playing peek-a-boo with Diana and I - look at those blue eyes!

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