Monday, April 3, 2023

Ogden Bay WMA

 I was up oil Ogden yesterday, accompanying my wife as she did supply work of the Church of the Good Shepherd there. Due to a tip from one of the folks there, I visited the Ogden Bay WMA..quite a place. Over 20,000 acres, lots of water and lots of wildlife. 

I walked a ways into the refuge, then returned to the car. The wind was cold and I don't tolerate cold as well as I used to.

Here's a sampling of what I saw, both on the way to the refuge and while at the refuge..


Osprey on light post over a busy street in Ogden.. male seemed to have his harem while the other passed by fairly quickly..

Red-tailed in nest..

Quite a number of Sandhill Cranes around..beautiful as usual..

Tundra swans I believe, did't get close enough to be certain of that but they look right..

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