Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Refuge Monday

 Partly sunny at the refuge yesterday.Very few people, quite a variety of birds. A Kestrel followed me until it was satisfied that I had taken a good photo of it! Eagles in trees, Sandhill cranes talking and flying by, and lots of Red-winged Blackbirds singing..


Three Bald eagles in the trees, beautiful in the sunlight.

Great Blue Herons hunting..very tolerant of people with cameras quite close to them..

Male Northern Harrier, aka Grey Ghost, checking me out..

My buddy, the American Kestrel...

Being very cautious in the open field, he finally stuck his head up!

Red-tailed hawk in tree..it was turning around to look at me but when you are quite big on a very small limb it can be challenging..

The melody makers of the wetlands..Red-winged blackbird singing..

Finally, classic photos of Sandhill Cranes flying by. 

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