Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Refuge Tuesday

 The Refuge activity is slowly picking up.  Duck season brings in a lot of hunters but if you avoid weekends and Friday afternoons - and overcast days - it is still pretty quiet. 

More Harriers are showing up as well as the Red-taileds. A few Black-crowned Night Herons are flying around, especially since there is now a lot more water. Ducks and geese are proliferating. No Rough-legged spotted so far.

Here's a few I really liked..

The Mallards are just so beautiful and colorful..

The herons are hiding by the edge of the large body of water. They weren't bothered by me stopping and backing up to get a photo. It's kind of the old - if I don't move they won't see me - theory.

This beauty was posing in a tree by the side of the road just before entering the refuge. Juvenile. The tree it was in was full of pigeons that didn't seem bothered by the hawk being there.
The hawk was initially behind a limb, obscuring it's head. I asked it to move - and it did! Ha!

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