Monday, May 3, 2021

Sunday on Antelope Island

 Sunday morning worked out to be the best time for Randy and I to visit Antelope. We were there early so missed much of the Sunday crowds.

LOTS of Bison..Adults, Juveniles and newborns. How many photos of buffalo do you need? Well, the next one might be the best you have ever taken so don't stop now.

Long-billed Curlew, Molting Porcupines, Antelope, Meadowlarks singing, Horned Lark, Burrowing owl (Probably the cutest thing in the world), Western Kingbird..about all we didn't see were coyotes. A bit of a cool breeze but very comfortable.


A different angle on the bull....

Antelope Island has incredible panoramas..

Horned Lark

Burrowing owl..

Willet - a shorebird often found in wetlands..

Long-billed Curlew - 

The Lonely Bull - a juvenile wandering around..

Meadowlark singing..

Western Kingbird - a flycatcher extraordinaire!

The three juveniles ran down a hill, one stopping partway down and turning to do a pretend head bashing with another..

A molting porcupine - had to research this to be sure I was seeing what I thought I was..

Barn swallows at the farm, looking a bit like bandits..

A token antelope - 

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