Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Refuge Tuesday

 What a difference a couple of days make.  Tundra swans are way back out again, no eagles anywhere (think the weather is getting too warm for them) and lots of Kestrels and Harriers.

I was able to get two "bucket list" photos - one good one of a hovering Kestrel and one of a Pied Bill Grebe swallowing a fish while trying to stay away from all the others. 

What's my best bird photo? The one I take tomorrow!


Poetry in motion...Northern Harrier on the hunt..

One of the several Kestrels that posed..

Sunlight on mud and water and ice...

A very expressive face on this Female Harrier..

Really?  Whatever......

Here's the Pied Bill Grebe with a mouthful..

And the hovering beauty....

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