Tuesday, August 4, 2020

West Desert trip

We took a drive to the west desert today, at least as far as Skull Valley, then back over Johnson Pass through Rush Valley and Tooele and home. Picked up Thai food from our favorite Thai restaurant in Tooele.
Along the way we stopped at Horseshoe Springs, a BLM place with two springs that flow and the water forms a horseshoe. Before we got into the parking lot, a Blue Heron flew off the top of the shelter - didn't notice it until it was ready to fly. Goofy bird was supposed to be in the water!
Molly loved it, of course. Second time she has been there and she went fishing immediately. That's good, cause running in the water wears her out. 
After Horseshoe, we wandered down to Dugway, turned left to go through Terra and up over Johnson Pass. We checked out the Clover Creek campground for a possible picnic area, then headed down the hill through Rush Valley, Stockton and into Tooele. Hungry, we checked in at our favorite Thai place, ordered a lot of food to go and came home and ate it.

Here's shots from today..

Big boy here posed for a couple of shots, then meandered off into the bushes.

The Springs are a wonderful place for dragonflies. The orange ones are spectacular but I couldn't find any to pose for me and I didn't feel like spending the effort to try to catch them in flight.

This Turkey Vulture took off some distance from me, then circled back and flew right at me. Love it!

Here's Molly when I told her we were leaving. She doesn't like leaving the water.

Further down the road this juvenile Red-tailed Hawk posed for us.

The desert can be quite inhospitable at times..

Here's MJ, fishing in the water amidst the greenery in the middle of a desert!!

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