Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Refuge Wednesday

Wednesday is refuge day!
Cold this morning - started with 10 at our house and had risen to 21 by the time I made it to the refuge. Didn't get over 33.
Love the ducks on the ice - they are so awkward.
Sighted my first Rough-legged Hawk of the season. They're migrants from Canada and Alaska. Also several Harriers and Red-tailed Hawks. No Kestrels today.
Here's a few shots that I liked.....

Fog rising from the warmish water..

A pair of Ravens - probably plotting their next rampage!

I didn't hear any noise but it's mouth was sure wide open..

I saw this Ringneck quite a ways away, then it decided to fly towards me so thought I'd see what I could do..

I love the mature Red-tailed Hawks - so regal and beautiful..

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