Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Tree fall....

The snow storm last Friday took down a lot of branches and trees. It appears that the wet snow plus the heavier spring wood (full of water for growth) worked together to make a mighty mess.
Friends were out of town but one of their backyard trees was broken. Fortunately no serious damage was done, as the fallen part did not hit the house or any major items. But it did make for a spectacular show Tuesday as a crew removed both the broken tree and the still standing portion.
For data, 1/3 of the remaining tree weighed 8300 pounds! Incredible.
The monster crane lifted the tree sections over the house and into the road where they were disposed of quickly. There was a drone on hand to video the initial parts of the operation. And the arborists, climbing the trees safely and agilely and cutting them off after the ropes from the crane were attached, were awesome to watch.  Here's a few photos from the event!

The first two photos are what the backyard looked like after the first tree fell and before the operation began..

Ginormeous crane...

The first section of the remaining tree...

Curious bystander..

The second section of the remaining tree..

Preparing the tipoffs for the last section

At last..

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