Saturday, March 2, 2019

Refuge Friday

The first of March and the gate down the long dike is shut for breeding season - until September. One option is to walk down the road and setup at the most likely place for the birds to show up. I opted to check out the Heron rookery instead, with a brief stop on the way to photograph a winter-colored weasel that popped up to see what I was.
The herons are fascinating to watch as they prepare their nest for the new season. Males fly down to pick up sticks - mostly teasel stems - and return to the nest to share their gifts with the female. A bit of talking goes with this exchange - and some posturing, etc. Not sure of what any of it means but it makes a great story and is fun to observe.

The cutest little one around - popped up and was gone!

Young Red-tailed hawk did a flyby.

Here's the heron rookery and some of the activity that was going on. Quite a few herons there getting ready.

Here Honey, a stick for our nest!

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