Sunday, December 31, 2017

Refuge Sunday Morning

Another incredible morning at the refuge...Owls, hawks, eagles, and nice weather to boot!  Here's the first shots...

Bald eagles - young and older - welcomed us in.

Mother Nature is at it again!

Killdeer showed up again.

 Male (grey and white) and female Harriers - not sure who is chasing who..

The Western Screech Owl was back in the den.

Red-tailed Hawks - mostly playing.

Almost walked past this one, very well hidden..



Hunters coming home. -

Rough-legged ready to leave...

Friday, December 29, 2017

Day of the Hawks...

Thursday was a sunny day so out to the refuge a bit early to avoid the later smog buildup that really makes it hard to get a crisp photo.
Hawks were showing up before I got through the refuge gates - a juvenile Dark morph Redtail in the trees a long way away.  Hadn't seen the dark morph for a long time.
Then onto the cute juvenile Red-tail that has been posing for everyone - he did it again and again for me. A Sharp-shinned hawk flew in with a red-tailed hawk - cute little devil!

Hoarfrost makes the world so different so got a few shots of that, and of a Killdeer hunting in the mud. So great to be out - Molly and I parked the car and took a walk, when we were returning, the redtail was sitting on a post by the car! Cute!

Here's the dark morph redtail.

Juvenile red-tailed hawk in these next photos. So beautiful agains the sky and surrounded by the hoarfrost on the branches.

GBH staying away from hunters in the fields.

Killdeer feeding.

Redtail again..

Hoarfrost on grass and teasels changes the experience.

Sharp-shinned hawk - it was flying with a red-tailed but the red-tailed paid no attention to it.

After working hard to find birds here it was - right where I could have stayed and taken photos.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Refuge Friday

Another beautiful day to be out - just me this time. Rough-legged, Harriers, and Red-tailed hawks were hunting, as were a couple of Kestrels. The Kingfisher made an appearance and I photographed the ice that the last warm wind brought in. Very relaxing..

"Grumpy old men" hanging out away from hunters.

Waited for me in a Russian Olive tree by the side of the road.

Ice broken up and blown by the last warm windstorm.

Red-tailed Hawk - juvenile. It posed for various folks today and seemed unafraid.

Kingfisher - I could hear him but it took a while to find him. He waited!!

Same Redtailed as above, just hiding in the trees this time.

More Refuge Birthday

Here's more from the time at the refuge on Thursday! Very wonderful experiences.

Rough-legged hovering.

Watching Molly run free is exhilarating!

Two sentinel photos.

Birthday at the refuge

Diana, Molly and I had a great trip to the wildlife refuge yesterday, enjoying it before we went over to Lisa and Sean's for a wonderful birthday dinner!
Here's one great shot from yesterday - will post more later!

Monday, December 18, 2017


A couple of my favorite refuge birds - American Kestrel and Pied Bill Grebe..

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Sunny Days!

Visited the refuge this morning, fairly quiet, not too many hunters and just a few birders. I could not find the screech owl despite playing screech owl calls on my iPhone, but did see some other birds.  A beautiful day!

 Ravens hassling a Red-tailed Hawk. They stopped as soon as he landed on the tree.

Kestrel hovering overhead.

Rough-legged hawk - no fear at all, he sat there with lots of human activity around him.

Kingfisher - didn't expect him today but there he was..

Another Mother Nature painting..

Thursday, December 14, 2017

December cat activity - or lack thereof

Here's our two cats doing what they love - bored because it's cold outside and the birds are staying away!