Thursday, March 24, 2016

Wandering - Timpie WMA and Skull Valley

Murph and I stopped by Timpie WMA yesterday to see if there were any shorebirds yet - none. But there were a few ducks and a Harrier hanging around. Then on to Horseshoe Springs - surrounded by meadowlarks singing but only a Sandpiper by the water.
Then up to check out a rocky area - some nice landscapes of the big sky country.

Muddy goose tracks.

Stream at Timpie WMA - Stansbury Island to the right.

Headed back to the truck at Timpie.

Meadowlark greeting us at Horseshoe Springs.

Enjoying the view - the smokestack is about 23 miles away and is the Magnesium processing plant where Diana and I first met.

Panorama looking west.

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