Saturday, December 19, 2015

Syracuse New York

Diana and I are back here for Jon Keller's, our BIL, funeral and being with his wife Lucille and daughter Kelly and family and friends. A sad time as all funeral are with some laughs and catching up with old friends and acquaintances. Eating fish on Friday - a mainstay for Diana as she grew up here.

It's mostly been rainy, then cold. But I got a couple of shots in and today is sunny so perhaps some more!
First photo op was Diana's old elementary school with separate entrances for boys and girls!  It's now a Catholic school. We're staying in Baldwinsville between the Seneca River and the Erie Canal so some shots of there.
We're headed home tomorrow to see our dog and cats!

The water on the left is about 12 feet higher than the water on the right!

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