Monday, February 28, 2011

Old friend

Murph and I visited the refuge last week and again yesterday.  Last week we drove slowly by a group of folks and said hello to them, and then realized one of them was a person whom I had worked with and was friends with over 20 years ago and had not seen since!  We spent quite a bit of time getting re-acquainted and then again yesterday.
He's a long-time photographer and has had work published in many places - National Geo, etc. - and was at the refuge getting eagle shots.  After talking for awhile, Murph and I wandered down to the end of the road and walked a bit.  The pied-bill grebes were there as usual and I got a neat photo of them. 
Another great day to be alive.

 My friend, John George!

They are all keeping a sharp eye on me!

1 comment:

Snap-Smith Photography said...

Your friend looks like he has a mounted gun pointed in your direction!!

I love the gilded look on the second photo.