Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Albion Basin visit

Randy and I visited Albion Basin this morning - along with lots of others. Fortunately we were early enough that there was still a parking spot in the upper lot.
We meandered up the path to Cecret Lake - partway. Then took a side trail and moseyed around and back to the car. The flowers are gorgeous - most diverse and beautiful as you go up higher. No hooved animals to be seen, not surprising with all the human traffic there. 
But a Marmot posed, along with a hummingbird, ground squirrels, chipmunks and lots of flowers.  So very nice to be up there.

Canada Jay

Pooky, the ground squirrel..

Hummingbird on the Indian Paintbrush

Yellow-bellied Marmot sunning itself..

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Refuge Thursday

Another quiet day at the refuge, warm weather and lots of Ibises flying around.  Since things were so quiet I sat on top of a picnic table on Goose Egg Hill and was lucky to be able to watch - and photograph - a coyote hunting. On the way out, turtles, Ibis and two Cranes showed up.  A pleasant and relaxing time.

Coyote hunting..

Sandhill crane

White-faced Ibis - non-breeding plumage..

It knew I was there - a long ways away..

A pair of sun lovers..

Friday, July 17, 2020

Postings from the mountain cabin

We've had a very good time up here. Molly had a couch all to herself for sleeping. She spent her days chasing chipmunks, watching for chipmunks or sleeping. She and I had some good long walks, she got to chase potguts and ran after a couple of deer when they ran. If they stand still she just looks at them.
We found a Momma Red-tailed Hawk who did the infamous Hollywood western call over and over. I found out why - she had a nest nearby with a young one in it.  Photos below. Lots of deer around, all looking quite healthy.
The Sandhills entertained us morning and evening with their raucous conversations. Wish we knew what they were saying. We took Molly down to the reservoir and she checked out the overflow stream and did some fishing there. Lots of failed attempts to capture the Rufous Hummingbird in flight - oh well. Got a couple nice ones of it sitting on a tree branch. Hummers start about 5:45 am.
All in all a wonderful time. Many thanks to our friends who let us use the cabin.

Broad-tailed male..

Molly on the way home kicking up dust.

A purple columbine - kind of unusual color.

Young Red-tailed in nest

Fawn leaving us behind..


Ferocious Momma

Mountain meadow in the afternoon..

Molly fishing

Little cuties...

One of many we saw

 Peek-a-boo doe

Rainbow trout lurking..

Rufous Hummer standing watch over the feeder..

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Manti-La Sal mountains

Diana, Molly and I are spending a few days at a friends cabin in the Manti-la Sal mountains above Fairview. Sitting at about 9,000 ft elevation, looking down over Gooseberry reservoir, it is a great place to relax and enjoy the wilderness. 
The hummingbird feeder has attracted the Rufous and the Broad-tailed hummers, with the Rufous being the big bully, as usual. Molly has chased her share of ground squirrels and chipmunks and alternates between sleeping on the deck (with one eye open) and stalking the bushes to see what she can find. Our morning and evening walks have deer in the hills, but she really doesn't seem to pay them much attention. Maybe if they ran in front of her ....
Very relaxing to be here...Maybe I'll see the comet tonight..

Broad-tailed Hummingbird, male, displaying at the feeder..

Rufous hummer sits in tree watching over the feeder.  Chunky little guy..

Mountain wildflowers

Potgut, aka ground squirrel, playing peek-a-boo..

Gooseberry Reservoir below the cabin

Mulie leaving the area...

Sunset - so many beautiful ones from the deck..

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Refuge Visit

An early (relatively) morning visit to the refuge was rewarding, both in spirit and in photos. Here's some of the primary culprits that I found..
Additionally, there were a couple of kestrels, a hunting Harrier and one Snowy Egret. Plus one fat frog that jumped across the road. Nice to be out in the quiet again.

Great Blue Heron

Male pheasant in flight

Turtle..very watchful.

Yellow-headed blackbird..

Adult Night Heron

Northern Harrier, female, hunting..

Monday, July 6, 2020

Various and Sundry...

A variety of photos from various places we've been...

Off the northern California coast

Grand Canyon

Somewhere north of Vancouver, BC in salmon fishing country

Hidden beauty from Dominican Republic

Welcome visitor to our Irish cottage...

Sunset at Sea Ranch, California

Sunset over fog bank, Oregon coast..