Friday, May 24, 2019

Refuge Friday

A damp day at the refuge, slight rain at times and everything is just wet, like the rest of the valley. Of course the wading birds don't care, but the birds that planned on nesting in some areas can no longer nest there due to the rising water.
One raptor in the distance, a Harrier being chased by blackbirds. Otherwise it was ducks, blackbirds,  egrets, a lone blue heron, and lots of swallows - tree and cliff swallows for the most part. Again, just peaceful being out there watching life go by..

Snowy Egret

Black-crowned Night Heron

Tree Swallow on box - looks like juvenile tree swallows flying by

Tree and Cliff swallows -

The ubiquitous White-faced Ibis in it's mating colors..

Interesting hair on the head of this guy..

Pied bill Grebe - they love all the water as it gives them many new places to go..

Western Kingbird - an acrobatic flycatcher

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