Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Refuge Wednesday

I had a chance to go out to the refuge again today so away I went..saw my first bald eagle of the season and had a great walk on a new dike..

Kestrel leaving us behind..

A hawk that looks like a red-tailed but had rough-legged pantaloons....?? And what is it doing in the water???

Another Monet painting..

The green pollen was being blown by the breeze and bending around the plants in its way..

Big sky country..

Little bird looks like some kind of lark - will check..
Update: Looks like it is an American Pipit, a rather common bird in the non-breeding seasons.

Island in the sky..


A bald eagle, the first of this season, and a red-tailed play in the sky

Little varmints footprints..

Watershed - looks like desert sands..

And the ubiquitous Greater Yellowlegs..

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