So much beauty and so little time to capture these moments! Remember that you can see a larger view by clicking on the photo.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Refuge Friday
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Refuge Monday
Sandhill cranes and Kestrels...almost everywhere. I was able to get photos of the cranes but only a few of the kestrels as they are in movement most of the time easily spooked..
The cranes flew up from places I’d not seen them in before. This made for a few challenges, but that’s what’s fun..
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Antelope Island on Saturday
We drove up to Antelope Island Saturday, despite the snowstorm possibilities. Our faith was rewarded by slowly disappearing clouds and somewhat blue skies.
It was coyote day on the island. We saw at least 5, including watching two young ones as we came and then as we left. ‘Scruffing in the snow, hunting and just lolygagging around..just like dogs..
The chukar partridges were a welcome surprise. I used to always see them on the Island but hadn’t for a couple of years. This trip we not only saw a flock, but got to watch a dust-up between two of them. Vicious little devils!
Here’s a few favorites from yesterday ...
Lone antelope monitoring the buffalo..
Monday, February 10, 2025
Refuge Sunday
A sunny day, although the temperature at the refuge didn’t get above 25 all day. Very nice to be outside and sit in the sun.
It was Super Bowl Sunday, with not too many birders out. A few hunters in and out. Lots of Harriers and Red-winged blackbirds. Several kestrels. and just for fun, a couple of Bald eagles.
Here’s some shots from the day. enjoy!
Nothing like a singing Red-winged blackbird..
Northern shovelers hanging out together..
Several kestrels around, glad to see more of them..
Juvenile Red-tailed hawk..
Finally, a juvenile Black-crowned night heron..I’ve been looking for them all winter..
Good old Baldie! Only two of them showed up yesterday..
And the hunter..coyote in the grass..sat and watched two of them wander through this area..