Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Alaska…Hubbard Glacier

 Our final stop before motoring on to our destination, Seward. 

The Hubbard Glacier is really beyond words and pictures. But here’s photos anyway..

Our ship came in, swung in a semi-circle allowing us to see everything from the comfort of our veranda. A beautiful sunny day provided the light. 

As we approached there were lots of small icebergs heading out to sea..

And then the star of the show…..

Alaska, motoring on…

 We had a day of rest yesterday in Skagway…well spent. Today we visited Sitka, a town with an incredible history. It’s the place where Alaska was officially signed over to America by Russia. It has an ancient Tlingit history going back a couple of thousand years.

We visited the Alaska Raptor Center, a group that cares for and rehabilitates as possible injured raptors. Then onto a Cultural Heritage Center, more beautiful and informative history and totem poles. Finally a museum, with a wide collection of historical artifacts and documentation. Kinda mind boggling after a while, but a great view into an old culture and world.

Here’s photos covering the trip from Skagway to Sitka as well as the Sitka visit. Enjoy..

Comparing boat ship is biggest, midsized ship is shuttle, smaller ship on right is a tour boat.

Lighthouse along the way..

The channel ahead…

Mountain range behind Haines…..

Small rainbows decorated our passage..

Our visit to the Raptor Center was educational and exciting.. 

He’s actually smiling…or so the staff said!

The Golden Eagle was a surprise for me, as I thought I’d read there were none in Alaska …

Snowy owl..quiet and beautiful..

Young Great Horned owl..fierce as ever!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Alaska continued…

 Juneau, the capital city. We spent 12 hours here, plenty to do in the city and within walking distance of the ship. 

Our excursion was whale watching and then a visit to the Mendenhall glacier, which took up the morning and into the afternoon. Whale watching was fun..our captain was great at spotting wildlife and maneuvered the boat so we could see and photograph them. We saw several humpback whales, a pod of Orcas and a sea otter. All this in the midst of incredible scenery…mountains, glaciers and forests. Here’s a few of the exciting moments…

“Thar she blows”….humpback whale 

Remote glacier in surrounding mountains..

Waterfall outside Juneau..provides a great backdrop to the city..

Orcas playing….

Sea otter hanging out by its lonesome..

Sasha shows her of the recognizable humpbacks that return here every year after their winter stay around Hawaii..

The Mendenhall glacier, photo taken from the visitor center. There’s a remarkable time-lapse movie showing the melting of the glacier over a 10 year period.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Alaska adventure continued...

 We're docked in Skagway today and we're taking a day free of excursions. 

Saturday we were in Ketchikan and visited the rainforest there.  Fascinating, and our guide was excellent, introducing us to the many and varied plants and living things there. No wildlife seen but really, who cares, as the environment was so immersive.

At the end of the rainforest tour we visited an old sawmill and met a native that carves totem poles. He is also one of the last to speak the native language, taught to him by his grandfather. Fascinating to hear him.

Here's a few photos from along the way to Ketchikan and during our time there..

Bear claw marks on a Sitka spruce in the rainforest..

Container barge - this is how most everything gets to these isolated villages in Alaska. Look closely to see the truck and the forklift..

View as we meandered up the inside passageway..

Of course an eagle showed up..this is Alaska after all..

Surf Scoters.....we see them everywhere around docks..


Little lighthouses along the way....

Clouds opened a bit and we saw some blue sky....

Alaska adventure

 We’re enjoying a cruise through the Inside Passageway from Vancouver to Anchorage. We flew to Vancouver last Tuesday to spend a day in the big city before boarding our ship on the 23rd. We’re cruising with Silverseas on their newest boat .. Silver Nova. Capacity of 720+. Still a small ship compared to the behemoths from other lines. 

The service, food and surroundings have all been outstanding. Our kids, Lisa and Sean, are traveling with us, making for a great family adventure. They did this trip in reverse last year and talked us into joining them.

We’re signed up for excursions most far we’ve experienced a walk in the rainforest and today we did whale watching. We saw several whales, multiple Orcas and a Sea Otter. Plus sunshine after a rainy first couple of days.

Here’s some photos from Vancouver and our first couple of days.  I’ll post the wildlife tomorrow.

The old and the new..

Ocean sunset..

Several small lighthouses along the way…

Pelagic cormorant….a bit different from the ones we’re used to..

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Refuge Friday

Pretty quiet bird day at the refuge yesterday. Pelicans and Great blue herons were far away. Eagles posed for photos, couple of harriers hunting and a Red-tailed hawk circled to check me out. Sunny day, nice to be out there. 

Eagles in their fav tree..

Harrier hunting

Oquirrh mountains in morning sun..

Red-tailed hawk checking me out..

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Refuge Saturday

 Saturday was Eagle Day at the refuge, a day when the staff set up viewing stations and information booths for visitors. The weather was beautiful. I went up early, not remembering it was Eagle day. I saw no eagles, hope that they came in later for the visitors. 

Red-winged blackbirds, Harriers and Kestrels were the primary actors, along with the normal complement of gulls and ravens. A few ducks also. Great blue herons seem to be busy with family duties, none appeared along my way. 

Here’s a few photos..

A couple of female Northern Harriers....

American Kestrel...part of a couple at Goose Egg hill..

I couldn’t resist the Mallards on ice..

Meadowlarks are back..

Quite a number of RWB’s around..