Sunday, February 16, 2025

Antelope Island on Saturday

 We drove up to Antelope Island Saturday, despite the snowstorm possibilities. Our faith was rewarded by slowly disappearing clouds and somewhat blue skies.

It was coyote day on the island. We saw at least 5, including watching two young ones as we came and then as we left. ‘Scruffing in the snow, hunting and just lolygagging around..just like dogs..

The chukar partridges were a welcome surprise. I used to always see them on the Island but hadn’t for a couple of years. This trip we not only saw a flock, but got to watch a dust-up between two of them. Vicious little devils!

Here’s a few favorites from yesterday ...

Lone antelope monitoring the buffalo..

Sunrise on nearby mountains..always extra special when seen from the Island..

One of two younger coyotes seen back near the ranch..loping along to join it’s brother across the road..

Nice looking porcupine hanging out in the Russian olive trees..

These next three follow the young-uns along the causeway on our way out.

The Leap was followed by a successful meal..

Floating in the air as he heads toward his prey..

These chukars were way up on the hillside above the new campgrounds..Two of them engaged in a vicious-looking battle while the others nonchalantly looked on.....

Monday, February 10, 2025

Refuge Sunday

A sunny day, although the temperature at the refuge didn’t get above 25 all day. Very nice to be outside and sit in the sun.

It was Super Bowl Sunday, with not too many birders out. A few hunters in and out. Lots of Harriers and Red-winged blackbirds. Several kestrels. and just for fun, a couple of Bald eagles.

Here’s some shots from the day. enjoy!

Nothing like a singing Red-winged blackbird..

Northern shovelers hanging out together..

Several kestrels around, glad to see more of them..

Juvenile Red-tailed hawk..

Finally, a juvenile Black-crowned night heron..I’ve been looking for them all winter..

Good old Baldie! Only two of them showed up yesterday..

And the hunter..coyote in the grass..sat and watched two of them wander through this area..


Friday, January 24, 2025

Sanibel Day 5

Our last ride through Ding Darling Wildlife refuge yesterday afternoon. Tide was rising, wind was cold. But the birds show up anyway.

On our way there, we saw a coyote running along the side of the street in Sanibel. Can't quite figure out how the coyote got to the island. 

The highlight of the visit, for me, was the female Anhinga. Very calm and beautiful.


Female Anhinga posing..

Brown pelican..they soar all over the island..

Wily coyote..

Grumpy old man..Great Blue Heron..

Snowy egret, all hunkered down in the cold weather..

Yellow-crowned night heron hunting..


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Sanibel again

 Low tide after the rain brought out a lot of wildlife. Wood storks flying everywhere. Reddish egret fishing - a joy to watch.


Black-crowned Night heron...they love sitting still..

Black vulture having breakfast..

Great Blue heron..very beautiful feathers and patterns on it's back..

Great Blue flew up top the railing while myself and another photographer stood close by and watched. It showed no fear of us and kept turning around and posing for us..

Little Green heron...

This Reddish egret was quite the had seen me before and moved further out. I went back to the car and waited. It came back and did various things..

Tri-colored heron..quite colorful..

Wood stork flyby...

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Sanibel Day 2

 Another cool and cloudy day here in Sanibel. At least we are not getting snow like northern Florida is. 

A refuge visit produced quite a few photos. From raccoon to a white bird feeding frenzy, lots of opportunities. 

Here's a few shots from yesterday..

A Green heron..a favorite of mine. Small and often hard to find, they are known for using tools to attract food.

Kingfisher - noisy clattering call as it swoops through the lowlands..

Little Blue heron..Its color lives up to its name..

Osprey - adult and a nest..

I wasn't going to photograph this guy...but he insisted and finally flew close to me and hovered. What can you do?

I love the way the raccoons walk..

The Reddish egret performs his hunting ballet while a little blue heron and ibis feed nearby..

Bad hair day for this Tricolored heron..

Wood stork landed in the tree and stayed for a bit..

Monday, January 20, 2025

Sanibel January 2025

 Kind of cold down here this week as the cold air slides down from the North. But still much warmer and more comfortable than home. 

Wildlife still moving around, interesting happenings seen. From Osprey collecting nest materials to raccoons hunting in the shallows. Spoonbills are minimally present and so far quite far away. No alligators so far..probably too cold.

Here's some shots from the last two visits..Enjoy!

Little blue heron fishing..

Osprey gathering nest making material..

Raccoon hunting on mudflat..

Red-headed vulture

Snowy bound...

Roseate spoonbill in flight..

Tri-colored heron I think...

Great white pelicans hanging out..

Yellow-crowned night heron...

Fish circling..mullets I believe..

GBH on the hunt..

Ibis hanging out..

Green iguana giving us the eye..

Juvenile Little blue heron..

Little Blue heron in flight..